the surface of us

beauty in my mind sits with the simple oddities.  the surface of things is appealing, but what's really of interest is why the surface is and how has it happened?  the same is with people, what's going on on the inside so much, that eventually what has been formulated within has transpired to the surface.  you cannot only look at a persons face, but deep in their eyes, the way their hands have worn, do they have wrinkles that tell secrets of much laughter through their life?  the routines and life lines of any given person act as a grid, eventually forming the future, their future perspective of life, and most definitely how they will handle it.  what instances are so in depth, so astounding, that they can change the course of a life?  it changes who they were suppose to become.  they were either given a new chance, or in a moment, their chance was taken.  i'm guessing these changes come from great losses, the most profound ones at least.  they are earned from great gains as well.  or they can be set in motion by lack of gains or losses, and the voice of repetition causes a great change.  because in human life, drama is essential to the growth of who we are becoming.  things need to change, events happen to stir up emotion, that hence forth calls upon action, which comes before change.  so this drama, these changes are reflected, eventually, into the surface of any individual.  it is written all over them.

so, the way you feel about life will show up on your face :)