the artist's way and vows

the artist's way:  walking in this world ---->
to walk in this world, to follow the artist's way - one must walk with his head high and his hands digging deep and searching low ... the energy of the soul must be strong.  deep, strong, pure, vigorous energy - positive channeling that would manifest itself to good fruits in your walk, in your life.  to walk where you must to follow - one must give up and at the same time gain life ... a constant cycle, a constant battle of balancing - a constant balancing of of change and repetition.

we live, we grow, we learn, we change, we are molded and we mold.  we embark, we hide, we seek, we find, we lend, we take, we sleep, we wake - we live.  we all can live but what is it to truly walk, to truly climb or to truly dig ... either of these actions, no matter what, indicate that you are going somewhere and/or finding something or seeing something new - you are not stagnant.  to me, that is truly walking in this world and following the artist's way.

to look, to seek, to find, to be passionate, to be confident yet humble, to stand strong and love softly, to persevere, to be conscience and aware, to be of service, to share, to learn, to leap, to dive, to trust, to be true, to walk against the tide, to walk on the wild side, to be different, to love your enemies, to love yourself, to make changes, to be courageous, to not be judgmental, to accept what you cannot change, to reject what is not good for you, to love life and your own walk, to never ever give up, to always try your hardest.