a gift

you cannot escape the knowledge
that was given to you early...
the thresholds that have slipped
through the fingertips,
or how many times the eyes have blinked,
the lungs have exhaled,
the words that have been heard
or the words you have spoken
or the visions that you've seen.

no escaping the timeline from decade to decade,
understanding comes now
and understanding comes later,
nor does it come in just the right moment
when you needed it.
it comes with the aftermath of choice,
every decision walked with.

knowledge coming too early
is almost a curse,
when living in flesh.
it binds you and wears you,
for you already know
what's around the bin.

the knowledge, the sight -
sleeps with you at night
gives you first glimpse in morning's
waking moments
walks in your footsteps
sits you with at lunch.
it stays forever and always comes
with help to grasp reality.