what did i know?

i thought life was forever, in the sense of living.  but life is for the living.  a priceless, unexplainable gift and necessity that i don’t think we fully understand.  actually, not even close.  our own understanding fails us because we cannot possibly be expected to understand, nor would we probably want to understand the depth of living in the sense that God may and does know.

we are, though, expected to live.

to live in the fullest sense and each day we must remind ourselves of this high regard, the gift to live.

we must work at even reminding ourselves.  the simple things, it is the simple things.  over and over again, whisper this to yourself.  over and over again, shout this, write this, whatever - as long as you get it.  as long as i myself get it, right?  even to breathe correctly feels amazing - anything less feels like a rip off.  but once you have experienced that perfect breathe going away, only then do you actually realize how perfect that breath really was!  same with everything.  be so appreciative of any and everything you have had, have, or will have.  things change, take on different form and we have to constantly learn to let go - but really we have to constantly adjust and re-calibrate our balance of understanding this life and how we fit into it.  we, then, have to accept this new place we may be in - whether we want to or not.

taking it a day at a time, one sweet, beautiful day at a time.

and these things!  these crazy little things (that of course we feel our HUGE things) take our time away, trip us up and throw us off balance.   what a waster of good days, eh?  in the whole scheme of life, are they really that important?  that detrimental?  i’m gonna say...probably not!  i say screw ‘em!

don’t, i repeat, don’t let these little life wasters suck your  energy and your life’s appreciation away.

embrace and embrace some more!  hug your little (and awesome) life’s neck and love on it every day my friend.  because, after all, what else ya got going on that is so much more important?

thank you LORD!